Zoë Bloom and Hannah Budd have established BloomBudd LLP, a boutique family practice specialising in complex separations. The new firm is characterised by their determination to put clients in control of their own lives, advised and assisted by solicitors who listen. Their staunch belief in independence is consistent with their own careers.
Zoë became a consultant solicitor in 2010 when she was 6 years qualified. As a consultant, she changed practice areas to specialise in financial aspects of family breakdowns and built the reputation upon which BloomBudd LLP is established. At her previous firm, she was the first to use the consultancy model to build a team of solicitors which consisted of 9 family law professionals.
Having left traditional practice in 2017, Hannah joined Zoë in 2019 and they have worked together since. As well as financial work, Hannah brings international and children expertise arising from her days as a partner at a London firm who specialised in advising international families. Hannah has developed an extensive network of international lawyers and advisors for the benefit of her clients.
Hannah Budd says: “Our clients come to us at the worst of times and their needs are often overlooked. Our motivation is very simple; to identify what a client needs, to advise them how to achieve it and to deliver an outcome.”
Zoë Bloom says: “We are embracing the opportunity to be fresh, energetic and determined on behalf of our clients. To deliver our clients what they need, we don’t need to be traditional or ground breaking, we just need to respect the client by listening to what they want and use strategic thinking to try to get them there.”
The partners at BloomBudd LLP are all specialists and joining Zoë and Hannah as a partner is Victoria Toy who focusses on child arrangements. Also joining them are two associate solicitors, Justina de Brett and Kelly Giambrone, as well as Jo Coleman, a paralegal and their practice manager, Toni Sargeant.