Tom Amlot

Managing Partner

Tom joined AFP in June 2011, having previously been head of the family law department at a well-known media firm.

He is a fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers, and is Treasurer of the Family Law Committee of the International Bar Association.

Tom enjoys a reputation in the family law world as a first-class practitioner. He is a regular speaker at international conferences. He has a depth of experience in complicated litigation, and has an expertise in the cross over between conventional family work and work involving invasion of privacy.

Tom is an accredited mediator (having gained his accreditation in 2009) and a collaborative lawyer. He also sits as a PFDR judge.

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  • Acting in one of the leading cases on discretionary stays of jurisdiction (JKN v JCN)
  • Acting for the wife in what is now the leading authority on the impact of conduct/ misconduct during a marriage (R v B and others)
  • Acting for the husband in a new authority on the importance of pre-marital wealth (IX v IY)