Nicole Derham


Nicole Derham joined the firm in May 2022.

Nicole advises on all aspects of family law including divorce, the resolution of financial issues, pre or post nuptial agreements and arrangements concerning children. Her work has a particular focus on complex financial remedies.

Nicole has practiced as a solicitor in Ireland and as an attorney in New York and came to family law from a Real Estate Finance background. Client’s benefit from her multi-jurisdictional and financial experience and her calm approach to dealing with difficult matters.  

In addition, Nicole has recently undertaken mediation training and is a member of Resolution, an organisation which promotes good practice in family law.

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  • Acted for a wife following a long marriage with children where the majority of assets were held in trust structures and obtained a financial settlement to enable her to buy a property outright and have an income fund.
  • Acted for a husband with significant pre-marital assets through to a final trial and received a judgment protecting the majority of those assets.
  • Negotiated a settlement for a husband working in private equity with particular focus on the division of the husband’s fund contributions and future carried interest.
  • Negotiated a prenuptial agreement for a client who had received significant distributions from family trusts.
  • Acted for a mother in a Schedule 1 case to obtain a lump sum award for provision for her children.