Camilla Fisher Crouch


Camilla is an experienced associate who previously worked for several years at a central London law firm also specializing in high net worth and complex family cases. Before pivoting to family law, Camilla specialised in private client work at a City law firm, where she trained and qualified in 2019.

Camilla graduated with first class honours from her degree at the University of Arts, London, having been named Student of the Year in her graduation year. Camilla completed the Graduate Diploma in Law (law conversion) on a full scholarship at BPP Law School, before completing the Legal Practice Course with a distinction.

In 2019, Camilla was granted Higher Rights of Audience (Civil) at the University of Law.

Camilla works with AFP partners across the range of family law matters including high value divorce, international children cases and prenuptial agreements which often involve very significant assets.

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  • Representing a father in children proceedings which involved complex child abuse allegations (father was exonerated). Alongside this, ran day-to-day conduct of the long-running highly-contested financial negotiations – and achieved an out of court settlement.
  • Representing an English-based mother against her high-earning husband in financial proceedings. Challenges included the husband regularly moving between multiple offshore jurisdictions, and there being limited capital assets in the case.
  • Representing a high-income wife living in Eastern Europe living with her child, against a London-based father. The jurisdiction of the child’s future residence was used as a negotiating lever in this case, which also had strong connections with the Middle East.
  • Negotiating for a future spouse a prenuptial agreement with a very wealthy European family.